Our Leadership
Bea Haskins
K.C. Wright
president elect
Patricia Miller
Sharon Krebs
Keith Mummert
Philip Swope
Assistant Treasurer
Members of the Board
- Lisa Benecke
- Courtney Brickman
- Richard Crouse
- Patty Hegberg
- C. Michael Noble, II
- Jeff Rosenzweig
- Kenneth Weiler
- Barbara Wert
- Zachary Zawisa
Committees and Chairs/Leads
Visit the Volunteer page for committee descriptions or to get involved!
- Executive: Bea Haskins
- Docents: James Schuman and Sharon Krebs
- Facilities: James Schuman, Phil Swope and K. C. Wright
- Financial: Keith Mummert
- Gardens: Judy Bryant and Martha Young
- Library: Mary Staub (Interim)
- Archivist: Marvin Muhlhausen
- Marketing: Patty Hegberg and Corky Brickman
- Membership: Liz Webb and Pam Mosher
- Museum: Ken Weiler and Zachary Zawisa
- Photo: Dick Crouse
- Neas House/Textile Team: Barbara Wert
- Programs: Mikele Stillman
- Travel: Pat Miller and Jeff Rosenzweig
- Special ad hoc Committees:
- Give Local York: Kathleen Wright
- Human Resources: Patricia Miller
- Youth Involvement: K.C. Wright
- Ad Hoc Media:
- Newsletter – Joyce Bromwell
- Website – Bea Haskins
- Social Media – Jill Rohrbaugh and Zach Zawisa